Friday, April 4, 2014

Insanity Workout Week 1 (Fit Test and Cardio Workout) **The F*** was I thinking**

"This is will not be easy"

No matter what my thought was on the illustrious Insanity workout regiment, one thing always remained in the back of my mind. The difficulty of this program that leaves all; even the healthy looking participants excreting sweat like water sprinkler. For me, going into this after eating fast food and farina for two days straight equals a very rough start.

I began the fit test, directly after finishing shooting around with my ball. (After months of inactivity that is) Popped in the DVD into my PC and just like that, I'm greeted by trainer Shaun T. (sic) who gets me right into the first exercise: The Fit Test.

Day 1

Anybody that's done Insanity before knows what I'm talking about, but if you don't; It's a basic test where you perform as many reps of certain exercises as possible. Of course, someone of my size was taking it a little bit much easier than the guys in the video; pausing just to go get water or a towel to wipe the sweat off my body. But even as I take my breaks as the video plays, Shaun's encouraging words "Keep Moving!" "Dig Deeper" kept me motivated for the next few reps I could muster. In the end, I was left with a Fit Test score that while very discouraging, didn't kill my excitement for tomorrow's workout. Boy could I have waited.

Day 2

After coming back from my newest job, aching from the Fit Test, I jumped right into the Cardio Workout, where my legs got more punishment from the barrage of exercises planned for today's session. The workout was intense, but I do believe it rectified any pains I had from yesterday. With most of the drills, I was either not able to do correctly, or do enough reps.  I could not for the life of me get more than 2 reps of the Level 1 Push-Ups, whenever I did one I had to rest. But if there was one drill I enjoyed (despite having to take breaks due to the earlier drills) were some of the punching, attack movements. They seemed easy enough, but required focus and stressed keeping the form. (Not sacrificing speed for form) I will try to practice that more in the future.

All and All , I'm finally glad I started this program sooner rather than later! I'm currently looking at the program's diet plan so that I figure out what meals I can plan to cook from it while I continue the exercise. Taking a break Saturday, but will be back Sunday. Maybe I'll do dancing or something

Fit Test Score For 4-3

Weighing In at 277.4 lb

Switch Kicks: 47 Reps
Squat Jumps: 37 Reps
Power Knees: 35 Reps
Power Jumps: 13 Reps
Low Jumps: 10 Reps
Globe Jumps: 6 Reps
Suicide Jumps: 8 Reps
Push up Jack: 7 Reps
Low Plank Obliques: 18 Reps

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